Instagram Tips

Natalie Myers

Natalie Myers



8 min read


8 min read


Date Publish: Aug 09, 2024


Last Modified: Aug 09, 2024

What Is AMA And How To Use It For Your Brand?

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These days, buyers are increasingly picky about the items and brands they buy. They want to understand the brand before they buy anything fully.

Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions on social media allow customers to get product clarification and learn more about it directly from the brand. Similarly, it's a fantastic chance for companies to engage with prospective clients.

However, what are AMAs, and why are they so crucial to businesses today? This article will help you understand the basics of AMA and how to conduct a session. 

Now, let's get going!

What Are Ask Me Anything?

AMAs on social media, or Ask Me Anything, are informal interviews where the general public asks the guest or host about anything. 

They are conducted online on various social media platforms, and people can submit questions through the comment section.

How Do AMAs Work In Social Media?

AMA sessions are more like interactive posts on social media, where users and followers leave comments and ask questions. The difference from other posts is that this happens in real-time.

The AMA concept first started on Reddit; however, nowadays, it occurs across various social platforms. 

Today, hosting an AMA on social media happens through Instagram stories, webinars, and Facebook Live. Initially, AMAs used to be only text-based. However, it can be great to answer user’s questions using interactive stickers or live social videos.

How Can AMAs Be Used In Marketing?

Conducting the AMA session can be a great marketing tool and more than just a way for celebrities and creators to connect with their followers. It might be used by businesses to promote their products and services.

However, individual producers may also use it to boost social media exposure, develop businesses, and become more visible online.

How Can Brands Utilize AMAs?

So, why is AMA a big thing for the brands? Can brands not just create posts and share the same information? Maybe not. Here are ways in which brands can take advantage by hosting an AMA session:

Engage With The Audience

Engaging with audiences is a significant use of AMAs in marketing. It's an excellent method for engaging your audience, starting conversations, and building buzz about your business.

These exchanges could provide valuable information about your customers' opinions and brand-building strategies.

Promote New Products And Services

Brands can use these AMAs to introduce and promote their new products and services to followers. It's a fantastic approach to get the crowd excited.

Additionally, AMAs are great for sharing information, creating buzz, offering exclusive insights, and answering anticipations about new products.

Address Common Customer Concerns

AMAs are an excellent platform for transparently addressing and solving customers' common concerns to build trust in the brand. Moreover, customers also feel that the brand is approachable and responsive.

Share Industry Knowledge To Build Authority

Brands can establish themselves as intelligent leaders by sharing valuable industry knowledge and insights while hosting the occasional AMA session.

This is an excellent way to build brand credibility and tell audiences you are their go-to resource for relevant field information.

Repurpose AMA Content Into Videos And Blog Posts

When you conduct an AMA, you get a lot of content. This content can be repurposed in videos, social media updates, and blog posts.

It helps maximize the value generated through AMA and ensures it reaches the maximum number of people, thus extending the impact and engagement.

Tips On Hosting A Successful AMA

AMA sessions, when hosted successfully, can increase engagement and promote transparency. Let’s look at some tips on how to conduct a successful AMA:

1. Gather And Prepare Questions

Preparing questions in advance ensures there is no awkward breaks while hosting your AMA session. Your fans might only occasionally have questions for you.

As a result, you must be prepared with a backup set of questions in case the discussion continues. This is the perfect way to avoid awkward situations. Before the AMA begins, invite your participants to submit questions.

You should also ask your sales team to identify the main customer pain points. To prepare inquiries, you may also review the commonly asked questions regarding your goods.

2. Promote The AMA In Advance

Tell your users and followers about your AMA in advance to build anticipation. You should announce your AMA using social media channels, your website, newsletters, or emails.

In the announcement, inform users about the date, topic, and time to attract as many people as possible.

3. Set A Clear Theme Or Topic

AMAs can be around one specific topic or general, where people can ask about anything. However, you must decide how you want to proceed with your AMA.

General AMAs are an excellent way of understanding your customers and their interests and can help you create future content for them.

4. Select A Knowledgeable Host

You must carefully decide who the host will be, as the person hosting the AMA will be the face representing your company. Therefore, it is preferable to select an informed person.

The person should know the inside out of your company and have the skills to hold themselves throughout the session while keeping the audience engaged.

5. Prepare Thoughtful Responses

People feel they do not have to prepare responses as questions come in real-time. However, an unprepared session carries a lot of risk.

Therefore, your host must have answers prepared for commonly asked questions. They should also brainstorm on some incidents or issues that may come during AMA and be ready to answer or tackle them.

What Are The Benefits Of Hosting An AMA?

A successful AMA can have many benefits for the company. Let’s look at some significance of AMA sessions:

1. Knowledge Sharing 

It is a perfect learning platform where valuable tips, insights, and advice can enhance users' knowledge.

2. Engagement 

Companies can engage with their audiences in real time through AMAs. It can build community and connection.

3. Networking

Through AMA sessions, brands can connect with different and like-minded people who can help build relationships.

4. Visibility 

AMA sessions can attract the audience's attention and become an excellent marketing tool.

What Are The Challenges Of Hosting An AMA?

AMAs can also have challenges, just like any other live session. Listed below are some challenges of hosting an AMA on social media:

  • There can be a large pool of questions to manage.

  • The host may need help in selecting and picking the best questions.

  • Deciding on how long the AMA will last.

  • Choosing the suitable topics for AMA.

  • Ensuring the credibility and authenticity of AMA hosts with the audience.

These challenges can easily be taken care of if the brands follow the tips below:

  • They should effectively plan their AMA sessions.

  • There should be clear communication on what can be asked.

  • Brands can choose the moderators carefully who know how to handle the audiences.

Final Thoughts

To summarize, AMAs are an excellent way to promote new products, engage with customers, address common concerns, share industry knowledge, and repurpose written AMAs on social media posts.  

By using these AMAs efficiently, companies can build trust, establish themselves as industry leaders, and enhance their reputation. 

Irrespective of whether they want to connect with their audiences or showcase their expertise, AMAs can bring many benefits and long-term success.


1. Why are AMAs so popular?

AMAs give an excellent opportunity to build relationships and engage with audiences, which is otherwise difficult. Companies can create more personal connections by answering their questions.

2. Who can host an AMA?

Anybody can host an AMA, and there are no specifications, guidelines, or restrictions on choosing a host.

3. How to join an AMA?

You must be on the social media platform where the AMA takes place. To join, go to the specific post or thread and submit your questions to the host.

4. How to conduct a successful AMA?

The most crucial step is knowing when to end the session, even if you have a broad topic.  It's the ideal approach to get ready for and advertise your AMA.  

5. What are the most popular AMA formats?

Some of the most popular AMA formats are text-based, live video, pre-recorded, audio-only, and social media story AMAs.

Natalie Myers
Written By
Natalie Myers

Natalie has the strongest control on words. She is the content manager at GPC.FM with an avid experience in content marketing. Her biggest strength is her ability to express through persuasive words. She has been working in the content industry for a decade and now works with GPC.FM to strategize and plan content marketing. From curating social content calendars to strategizing content for social media platforms, she ideates a bespoke content roadmap at GPC.FM.