Youtube Growth Tips

Natalie Myers

Natalie Myers



8 min read


8 min read


Date Publish: Jul 11, 2024


Last Modified: Jul 11, 2024

How To Create Engaging YouTube Content

Table of Content

How much time do you think an Internet user spends watching content on YouTube? Well, 74 minutes is the average time spent by an Internet user on YouTube. 

However, views are not the only thing that matters in your YouTube metrics! The amount of engagement you will get on your account matters, too. Thus, getting 1000 views and 100 comments is much better than getting 10,000  views and just 1 comment.  

With more engagement on your YouTube content, you can establish better relationships with your audience, build a YouTube community, and get data to analyze the success of your video. 

So, let’s know how can you create engaging YouTube content for your audience!

How Engaging YouTube Videos Are Beneficial For Business?

Engagement metrics like likes, comments, and views on YouTube videos play an important role in showing your audience's interaction level. These numbers are very important for increasing your business's online presence, attracting new customers, and building a loyal community. Let's find out how!

1. Reaching A Global Audience

The more views and likes your YouTube video has, the more the YouTube algorithm will prioritize it to a new audience who likes watching similar content. With over 2 billion active YouTube users, you can show your services and expertise to a worldwide audience, expanding your reach. 

2. Building A Personal Brand

When people engage with your videos, it shows that the audience likes your personality, values, and the content you're delivering. These engaged videos help you establish yourself as an expert in your niche, building brand value. 

3. Monetization Opportunities

Not only do viewers watch your videos, but even brands are always hunting for good YouTube channels with better engagement. Engaged YouTube videos can help you attract sponsorships and brand deals, generating revenue beyond the YouTube AdSense income. 

Now that you know the business benefits of compelling YouTube videos, let's find out how to make the videos more engaging. 

10 Proven Tips For More Engaging YouTube Videos

If you're using YouTube for your brand growth and better reach, uploading videos that grab the audience's attention is very important. By applying these ten tips, you can increase engagement of your YouTube videos in no time. 

1. Create Niche-Based Content

Start creating niche-based video content, as it targets a more focused audience who are genuinely interested in your content. This way, you'll establish yourself as an expert in your niche while building an engaged, loyal community. 

2. Upload Videos In HD Quality

When you produce high-quality videos, you're increasing the visual appeal of the video as well as the professionalism of your YouTube channel. These crisp and clear videos encourage users to engage for a long time due to being aesthetic to the eyes.

3. Grab Attention In The First 20 Seconds

The amount of content getting uploaded on YouTube can be distracting, making it difficult to focus for the audience. Hence, your main goal should be to capture the audience's attention in the first 20 seconds, increasing the engagement rate. You can ask a question, show behind-the-scenes, or give a glimpse of the full video in these 20 seconds to gain attention. 

4. Don't Try To Copy Others

The YouTube audience doesn't like repeated content due to their preference for new and unique experiences. They want fresh ideas that have a unique voice and stand out. You can draw inspiration from other creators, but try not to copy their content. By not copying it, you'll be creating unique content and building your own audience.  

5. Master Your Editing Game

Learn video editing software basics and experiment with different techniques, such as cuts, transitions, and effects. Edited videos will elevate the quality of your videos and keep viewers engaged. 

6. Be Realistic And Genuine

The YouTube audience likes to engage with real, genuine creators who don't have a fake personality. Being real will help you build an authentic connection with your viewers based on honesty and transparency. 

7. Keep The Video Length Optimum

YouTube viewers are losing their attention span due to tons of content. While creating content, make sure your videos are of optimal length and not too long, which can increase the engagement rate. 

8. Create YouTube reels

YouTube reels are known for boosting views on YouTube with engaging content

due to being short and catchy. Utilize them to show your creativity while increasing your viewer count. 

9. Collaborate With Other Creators

Collaborating with YouTube creators is a great way to promote your content. Ensure the creator has a similar niche and shares the same value for building an online presence. 

10. Utilize Trends

Stay up to date with YouTube trends and build content around them occasionally. Trends will increase your content visibility and subscribers, leading to more engagement. 

How To Create Engaging YouTube Content For Business Branding?

Creating engaging YouTube content for business branding calls for a strategic approach. The content should align with brand identity while resonating with your target audience. Here's how you can create engaging YouTube content for business branding:

1. Define Your Brand Identity

Before uploading content, ensure a clear understanding of what your brand is all about. Your name, visuals, logo, and brand values should all be clear to YouTube's audience. This will help you build a strong brand presence. 

2. Focus On Your Target Audience

Understand your target audience and their pain points. Use this data to create content that addresses their needs and provides value for better engagement. 

3. Set Clear Objectives

Your YouTube goals should be very clear. Whether you want to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or generate leads, build your strategy and content according to that. This will help you achieve results faster.

4. Stay Consistent

If you want to succeed on YouTube, you have to be consistent. Create a posting schedule and stick to it. Audiences are more engaged with YouTube channels dedicated to timely uploading content. 

Other than that, you can also apply some hacks that will help you boost your content in no time. Let's explore what they are in the next section. 

YouTube Growth Hacks You Need to Know

While you focus on your video content, the video's outer appearance also matters a lot in driving engagement. Let's understand what they are and how you can enhance it.

1. Create An Attractive Title

Create an appealing title that increases the visibility and engagement by: 

  • Using uppercase in your video title to stand out and grab attention. 

  • Using video keywords at the beginning of your title to reach a target audience.

  • Including a number or year in your video to generate curiosity.

2. Don't Neglect The Description Box

Encourage your viewers to understand and explore your business further through the description box by:

  • Utilizing it to share links to your profile and website. 

  • Adding the main keywords in the description box for more visibility and clarity.

  • Using the description box to tell the details of the video in 200-300 words.

3. Craft Thumbnails That Convert

Create thumbnails that enhance the click-through rates and viewer engagement by:

  • Keeping the thumbnail of HD quality to show professionalism. 

  • Adding larger text for more clarity about the video, but avoid overdoing it.

  • Including human faces to generate curiosity and emotions.


Creating engaging YouTube content is important to reach a larger audience, build brand presence, and generate revenue opportunities. It's all about being genuine and staying consistent to resonate with the audience. 

So, incorporating these tips and hacks from this blog will help you attract your target audience while delivering value for consistent YouTube growth.


1. How can I make my YouTube videos more engaging?

Make sure your videos are high quality and offer value to a niche-based audience. Create them in your own style without copying others to stand out and increase engagement on your YouTube videos. 

2. What type of YouTube content captures the audience's attention?

YouTube's audience loves educational, trendy content that tells stories. Try to make knowledgeable content that offers your audience value in whatever niche you're in. Use the power of storytelling to grab their attention. 

3. How long should my YouTube video be?

If you're uploading short-form content, keep it between 3-7 minutes; if it's long forms like tutorials, interviews, or such, you can keep it more than 15 minutes. Keep the content interacting and trim the boring parts. 

4. How can YouTube videos benefit my business?

For a business, engaging YouTube videos are a great way to reach a worldwide audience and build a reputable presence. If your audience likes your content, you can easily convert them to clients, increasing the business revenue. 

5. How to search YouTube keywords?

Use the search bar to type your content and see the autocomplete suggestion. Also, analyze your competitors' words in their title and description boxes. Utilize these words in your videos to increase engagement. 

Natalie Myers
Written By
Natalie Myers

Natalie has the strongest control on words. She is the content manager at GPC.FM with an avid experience in content marketing. Her biggest strength is her ability to express through persuasive words. She has been working in the content industry for a decade and now works with GPC.FM to strategize and plan content marketing. From curating social content calendars to strategizing content for social media platforms, she ideates a bespoke content roadmap at GPC.FM.