Instagram Tips

Natalie Myers

Natalie Myers



11 min read


11 min read


Date Publish: Aug 09, 2024


Last Modified: Aug 09, 2024

11 Instagram Content Ideas for Brand Awareness

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Instagram content creators know the importance of posting content regularly. Even though a regular update is necessary, it can be challenging to think of new ideas every day. 

This can be stressful as not posting for too long will lead IG algorithms not to pick your content or rank them lower. This can result in a gradual disappearance from Instagram.  

Worry not! We can help you with some creative ideas that you can use by adding your touch to create captivating content and increase your brand awareness on Instagram.

Which Content Is Best For Instagram?

Instagram has become an excellent place for marketers to make people aware about the brand and increase interaction with their followers. However, to ensure that, you must create content that matches your audience’s taste and preferences. 

Instagram mostly uses visual material, including pictures, videos, GIFs, and drawings. This helps brands easily communicate their side to the consumers and increases their recall value. 

It also helps in product launches, share the best features about the brand, and create organic engagement with your followers and audiences. Let's look at the top 11 content ideas that can easily help increase awareness for your brand on IG.

11 Top Instagram Content Ideas For Brand Awareness

In the below section, we will explore how to increase brand awareness on Instagram by using these amazing content ideas.

Display Product Posts

Displaying your products is one of the easiest ways to show high-quality videos or pictures. This can help you enhance brand awareness in multiple ways:

  1. It will help you promote your business and drive sales on Instagram. However, remember not to make them look like an ad.

  2. Your potential customers picture themselves using your products when showcased in a relatable setting. Don’t forget to add captions and trending hashtags to make it more interesting.

  3. You can use this post to pitch your product, highlight its unique points, and discuss its benefits or features. 

Pay attention to the emotion or mood you want customers to identify with your business.

Announce Contests and Giveaways

Contests and giveaways are when you offer a freebie to attract new audiences. It can help in raising awareness for a brand quickly.

  • It shows that user-generated content acts as social proof. 

  • It generates excitement and engagement quickly around your brand.

Remember to offer a prize for the best results most relevant to your target audience, even if the general public isn't all that interested.  

Create Carousel Tutorials

Carousel posts are the ones where you can upload multiple videos or pictures in one post. Your audiences can scroll through the same to see separate media in the slideshow. 

  1. With carousel postings, a company has a lot of options. You can create a tutorial to show different ways of using your products and similar products with their tags.

  2. It may also display several images from an occasion or provide a step-by-step guide on using a product. This is an easy way to build brand awareness on Instagram.

Share Product Review Videos

Product review videos are where your existing customers talk about their experiences using the product. This means they will look for reviews online, your comment sections, and even third-party websites.

So, why not share the product review videos with your audiences?

  1. These videos will act as references, foster confidence, and aid in building brand awareness.

  2. They act as a social proof of the brand or product, especially for people who need one before investing their hard-earned money.

  3. Remember to share only a handful of these. You should not dominate your feed with just your reviews.

Upload Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials are an endorsement of your product from one of your satisfied customers. It may be as written reviews, social media posts, or videos.

  1. It is a great way to connect with your audiences by sharing your customer's testimonials on social media. People often like to know what others think of the brand.

  2. Showcasing these testimonials across your IG posts can enhance your trustworthiness with new customers. 

Host AMA Instagram Lives

AMA is one of the best Instagram content strategies for more followers. It is a session where the host lets their audience ask them any questions.

  1. Ask Me Anything, or AMA, is a fantastic method of engaging customers and boosting brand awareness.  

  2. You may engage with consumers during these meetings, address any questions they may have, or share more about yourself.

  3. By answering these and other questions, you can better understand your audience and create content that appeals to them.

  4. When you make them a part of who you are, they will wait for more such sessions, increasing followers.

Share a Business Event

Many brands conduct business events to raise awareness and post about them on social media.   

  1. This is significant since it aids in their income generation. 

  2. These events also help reach out to your desired target audience on Instagram.  

  3. You can use the event post to add products and make them relatable to the consumers.

  4. It can bring a lot of engagement, and people look forward to more such posts.  

Give Spotlight to Employees

Spotlighting an employee is giving your people credit for something great that they have achieved or done. You can add sneak peek or selfies to tell audiences the human side of your brand.    

  1. Audiences love the content that focuses on the employees of a company, resulting in more engagement.

  2. Such posts make it easier to raise brand awareness for your brand, form an emotional connection with audiences, and make them trust you more. 

Partner and Create Influencer Content

Influencer marketing is one of the best brand awareness campaigns on Instagram, where you collaborate with a famous name and have knowledge or experience in your field.

  1. It is done to get quick attention and extra credibility in no time. 

  2. Big brands use influencers to add some additional credibility to their names.

  3. Associating with micro-influencers can be a cost-effective marketing strategy for start-ups and small enterprises.

  4. Influencers help them drive traffic to your website and increase sales.

Share Behind the Scenes Content

Behind-the-scenes content is videos designed to showcase to your audiences how a product is made. Viewers take pleasure in the behind-the-scenes material.

  1. It helps build transparency, and they feel they know the real you. 

  2. It also creates trust and is something different from just the usual photos.

  3. BTS is an excellent way of using Instagram stories to increase brand awareness.

Run a Hashtag Challenge

Social media is loaded with different challenges, and one way to increase brand awareness is by introducing one that aligns with your business.

  1. Choosing an appropriate hashtag contest will help you reach a wider audience.  

  2. These hashtags directly relate to how people look up your company and its goods on search engines.

  3. Hashtag challenges also make for exciting post ideas. You may create a catchy hashtag for your company and invite people to join the conversation and share their experiences.

How to Increase Brand Awareness on Instagram?

Are you looking for the perfect way to raise awareness for your brand on Instagram? Here are some excellent tips:

1. Optimize Your Instagram Profile

Instagram offers great SEO opportunities for businesses. Although its search engines are not the same as Google, it is still a great place to boost brand awareness.

Focus on your business profile and ensure your username, account name, bio, and other such elements are updated and optimized properly.

2. Utilize Instagram Reels and Stories

Start using reels and stories more, as they let you better engage with your audiences. You can ask questions on reels, polls, or questions on stories and tag other people.  

3. Make the Most of Instagram Business Tools

In the event that you lack one, make a business profile. You can get insights and data with a company profile, which can help you choose what and when to post.

4. Leverage User Generated Content

Most people prefer user generated content before they make a purchasing decision. Therefore, UGC can be an excellent way business build brand awareness

UGC is content your customer will create for you in the form of reviews, video testimonials, and social posts.

5. Maintain a Consistent Posting Schedule

One of the best tips to boost your brand awareness on Instagram is to create a posting schedule. Users spend a lot of time on Instagram, so you may publish your content during the times they are most active.

6. Engage with Your Audience Actively

Another excellent way to build valuable brand awareness is by actively engaging with your audience. If your audience interacts with your content, so should you.

You can respond to comments, engage with people of the same niche, or repost the content where you were mentioned.

7. Cross-Promote Your Instagram Profile

Cross-promotion of your IG profile on other social media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, etc, is a great brand awareness tactic. If you have followers on other platforms as well, this is a great choice. 

You may receive greater attention from it than you have on other sites.

8. Share Effective Ad Campaigns

Ad campaigns are another great way to build powerful brand awareness. It means running paid ads on your account to get more reach. It can help target people beyond your demographic reach and get more sales.

9. Highlight Brand Personality

Your brand’s awareness is equal to your brand development. So, you need an identity and personality that is unique to your brand. So, you cannot post just anything. Instead, your posts should have a direction.

Final Thoughts

If you are going through a creative block, check out the tips to increase brand awareness on Instagram in this article and get inspired to create some interesting content.

Mix and match the tips when building brand awareness and see the difference yourself. Mixing different tactics will help your profile to balance being not too overly promotional.

Even though your end goal is to get more followers and increase engagement, remember to keep track of what you post. You should focus on keeping your brand consistent while creating content to engage your customers.


1. How to use Instagram for brand awareness?

You must develop your businesses' brand awareness strategy that can include posting consistently, collaborating with influencers, promoting ads, using reels and stories, posting BTS, or running hashtag challenges.

2. Which type of content should brands post on Instagram?

Posting information that directly connects your goods or services to customers is a good idea. This can be testimonials, photos, videos, and much more.

3. Which content sells best on Instagram?

Audiences prefer to see short, interactive, and creative videos. In addition, carousel videos, user-generated content, and educational and valuable content are also preferred.

4. How to collaborate with influencers for brand awareness?

Among the most well-liked kinds of partnerships are the following: sponsored posts: These are articles that you pay influencers to write. Brand advocacy is the practice of having an influencer represent your company over an extended period. 

5. How do I grow my brand on Instagram?

Using popular hashtags, posting often, interacting with followers, working with influencers, use IG stories are some ways to leverage to increase awareness for your brand on Instagram.

Natalie Myers
Written By
Natalie Myers

Natalie has the strongest control on words. She is the content manager at GPC.FM with an avid experience in content marketing. Her biggest strength is her ability to express through persuasive words. She has been working in the content industry for a decade and now works with GPC.FM to strategize and plan content marketing. From curating social content calendars to strategizing content for social media platforms, she ideates a bespoke content roadmap at GPC.FM.