Instagram Tips

Natalie Myers

Natalie Myers



16 min read


16 min read


Date Publish: Aug 09, 2024


Last Modified: Aug 09, 2024

30+ Practical Ways to Increase Brand Awareness With Social Media

Table of Content

Do you want more people to know about your brand? Then social media can be a very effective channel for getting the word out about your brand. Brand awareness is paramount to the growth of your business. All it takes to make this a reality is a little push on social media.

Social media is not new; it has been here for a while, and it is not going anywhere. Actually, 85% of businesses use social media for their brand awareness. However, in spite of all these benefits, around 50% of small businesses are not on social media, and another 25% don't plan to use it at all.

If you fall into any of the above, read on to find out reasons you must harness the power of social media to grow your brand. We'll also explore 30+ strategies to increase your brand awareness on social media.

Why You Should Use Social Media for Brand Awareness?

Social Media is not only addictive, it is contagious too. As per statistics, by 2023 4.9 billion people were using social media. So whether you are selling your products, services, or your content, social media is the right platform for you.

With your planned social media strategy, you can expose your brand to millions of people around the world, building your brand awareness.

Benefits of Using Social Media to Build Brand Awareness

Are you thinking about why building brand awareness on social media is important? Then here is your answer:

1. Cost-effective

Using social media to popularize your brand will cost you nothing, just engaging content. Even if you use sponsored ads, they will be easy on your pocket with high ROI.

2. Get ideas

Discover the latest trends, and topics, and dig deeper into your audience's interests.

3. Lead Generation

Create brand awareness to generate leads by promoting your content on different social media platforms.

30+ Practical Strategies For Building Brand Awareness With Social Media

Now that you know the benefits of using social media for building brand awareness, it is time to learn a few strategies to rock social media and create awareness for your brand. Let’s have a look:

1. Understand Your Target Audience

Your success in social media marketing depends upon targeting the right audiences. Have a clear understanding of who your targeted audiences are.

Your goal here is to identify people who are most interested in your products, services or content. This will help you create the content of their interest to get their maximum attention and build a strong brand awareness.

2. Choose Relevant Platforms

After you know who your targeted audiences are, find the most apt social media platform having the highest probability of finding them. 

For example, if you are an HR recruiting company, your chances of finding your targeted audiences are on LinkedIn, similarly if you are a fashion brand, your go-to platform can be Instagram and so on.

3. Define Tailored Strategies For Each Platform

Using multiple platforms to market yourself is not a bad idea, but using the same content on all of them is definitely a bad idea.

Each social media platform has its unique vibe and layout. Content that may perform well on one might be a failure on the other. So focus on creating different content for different platforms.

4. Share Engaging And Authentic Content

Content is the king and there is no doubt about it. Share engaging and authentic content that your targeted audiences are interested in. 

If they don't find it interesting they will not mind scrolling it over, thus missing your chances of promoting yourself. You can use various content strategies to grab your audience’s attention.

5. Partner With Influencers

Partnering with an influencer in your industrial niche is a great idea. These influencers have a great following. This increases your chances of getting exposed to thousands of new audiences who might be interested in your offerings. 

This exposure to thousands of new targeted audiences comes along with enhanced brand awareness. 

6. Interact With Your Followers

Social media itself means a platform to socialize, so engage with your audience. Create content that is relevant to your audience and prompt them to leave a comment, or like on your content. 

Also, make an effort and don’t leave their comments unanswered. Rather make it a point to start interactions with your audience. This will help you get new followers and retain the old ones. 

7. Collect And Respond To Customer Feedback

Social Media will help you go viral and break the internet. Positive feedback for your business, brand, or your IG profile will attract new audiences to your content. 

However, the way you respond and  interact with your audience’s responses and feedback will make or break your future on social media. So, ensure that you are only attracting positive engagement as it will add a cherry on the top enhancing your goodwill among your audiences. 

8. Optimize All Social Media Profiles Regularly

It's great that you have created your profile on various social media platforms, but that's not the end. You must optimize your profile so that people can recognize it at a glance.

Target areas like the profile picture, bio, and contact information. Put a clear, and professional photo in the profile picture section. The bio should be simple and straightforward, expressing your skills and interests.

Strategically optimizing your profiles makes it easier for your audiences to recognize without having to spend a lot of time. 

9. Utilize Email Lists To Promote Your Social Media

Who said you can't use email to attract your audiences to social media profiles? Attach your social media link at the end of the mail you send to your customers prompting them to take action and join your social community.

If they are follow you on social media, they will be constantly aware of the latest news, offers, and products you offer. This also increases your chances of your customer’s sharing your content. As more and more people gets connected with your social media pages, you will be able to create a better brand awareness.

10. Collaborate With Brands

Your collaboration is not limited to the influencers. You can join hands with brands that offer complementary services to your offering. But ensure it should not be your direct competitor.

Strategizing your content to showcase the benefits of simultaneously using both products/services can be beneficial to both brands. For example, if you are a makeup brand, you can collaborate with a makeup application products company. 

11. Cross Promote Social Media Accounts

Cross-promote your social media accounts to enhance your visibility and build brand awareness.  Share content from one platform on the other. 

For example you can share the link of your Instagram post on Facebook and vice-versa. This makes your post visible to the audiences of both the platform, increasing your brand awareness.

Make sure to create a strong sync between the different platforms Finally, be sure to track your progress and measure the success of the cross-promotion.

12. Stick To Consistent Brand Voice 

Your brand voice communicates your brand message to your audience. Always be consistent with your brand messaging over all your platforms.

Your juggling between multiple brand messages can confuse your audiences and ultimately make them disconnect with you.

Make sure you have consistent brand messaging across all your social media platforms. It increases your brand's recall value and attracts more customers.

13. Set SMART Goals For All Platforms

Be smart on social media platforms with SMART Goals (Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely).

This can help you create and map your social media strategy to create your brand awareness. 

You can start with short term Goals like reaching a set number of followers or getting a certain number of likes or comments. These steps will make you track your performance and make adjustments whenever needed. 

With these strategies, you can achieve your goals, enhancing your brand visibility and awareness. 

14. Reflect Your Brand Personality Through Content

Your content should talk and resonate with your brand’s personality. When your audiences land on your profile they should have a clear picture of who you are, what your mission and vision are.

While they go through your content, they should create a picture of your brand in their mind. To achieve this, focus on key elements like color scheme, typography, Imagery, logo, voice, tone and layout. This way they will be better able to relate with your brand.

15. Utilize Trending And Relevant Hashtags

Using relevant and trending hashtags on social media will work magic in building your brand awareness. Hashtags are useful in organizing your content and making it discoverable to your targeted audiences. 

Trending hashtags help you be a part of the conversations and make you discoverable to people who aren't following you yet. They will get your content in front of users specifically interested in your industry or niche. 

This exposes your posts to more people, gets you new followers, engages a wider audience, and gives your brand a better visibility, with more recognition on social media platforms.

But that does not mean over usage or irrelevant use of hashtags, as this can put you in trouble.

16. Build A Content Ideas List

Running out of content ideas is a very common challenge while managing your social media accounts. The challenge further widens when you aim to target more audiences to create brand awareness. 

Use content ideas list to help build up your brand awareness on social media. If you plan and organize your content in advance, you will have a consistent posting schedule that can keep your audience engaged. 

You must also address the diversity of ideas in order to deal with many topics and formats to engage different segments of your audience. 

The more frequently your audience is exposed to valuable and relevant content from your brand, the more their awareness and connection to your brand will grow.

17. Share High-Quality Images And Videos

Images and videos have a high potential to attract your audience and communicate your message effectively by using high-quality images and videos. 

Blurred Images and broken videos will decrease the quality of your profile, it will show lack of professionalism on your business or influencer account.  Thus, invest in high quality images, gadgets, and graphics to make your content more appealing.  

18. Create Engaging Captions

When writing a caption, don't just add a few hashtags and a call to action to wrap it up. Your caption has a lot of value in communicating your brand voice. Create engaging captions capable of touching your audience's emotions. 

Write captions that are relevant, witty, and captivating. Include a call to action that motivates your audience to take action. Make sure to proofread your captions before publishing to ensure clarity, professionalism, and the correct delivery of your brand's message. 

This gives an assurance that no mistake is left behind that may have reduced the effectiveness of the caption, tarnishing a good impression in your audience.

19. Utilize Sponsored Ads

Sponsored ads help you achieve your target audience and accelerate your online presence. This technique is not free, but you can customize your advertising cost based on your budget.

Sponsored ads are very instrumental in increasing brand awareness since they make you visible to a larger audience. The advertisements can be targeted to selected demographics, interest, or behaviors to ensure that the brand is only shown to prospective clients. 

Hence, sponsored ads give an opportunity to emphasize on your unique selling points, promotions, and engaging content that will draw the user's attention while scrolling through their feeds on social media. 

The more visible these ads are, the stronger your brand awareness will be in the market.

20. Maintain A Consistent Posting Schedule

Sometimes, posting content randomly will not be of any use even if the content is engaging. Your audience might retreat to your competitors if you are not consistent with you posting schedule as too many posting will come under spamming and too less will not intrigue your audience. 

Thus, to avoid this situation, come up with a plan for posting content. Whether you are going to post twice a day or once a week, be sure that you are consistent in your posting.

21. Repurpose Your Best Content

Let your content be the voice of your brand. It should clearly state the goals and motive of your brand and your audiences should at a glance relate it to your brand.

Try your content on different platforms and make it engaging for your audiences while ensuring your brand messaging is conveyed in the right manner.  

22. Leverage Social Media Trends 

Everyone is attracted to trending content. There would be some trending content in your niche, try leveraging it to increase your visibility. 

Also, follow the trend like using reels and stories. Following the trends increases your chances of getting more visibility and hence building your brand identity.

23. Connect With Related Groups 

Several groups are available on social media, like Facebook and LinkedIn, where experts in the industry, influencers, enthusiasts, and other general audiences are available.

You can join such groups that are related to your niche and engage with its members to spread your brand message and build a strong reputation for your brand.

24. Respond To All Social Media Mentions

Mentions travel very fast, but negative mentions are even faster. A quick and smart response to all the mentions of your business on social media will maintain the audience's engagement. 

They also help deal with negative comments before they escalate into a crisis. Hence being alert to these mentions and act swiftly to them to build a strong reputation for your brand. 

25. Utilize The Live Stream Feature

Live streams, available on Instagram and Facebook, allow you to come live in front of your audiences, know your audiences, and respond to their comments in real time.

This increases engagement compared to images and even recorded videos. With a smartphone with good internet, lighting, and a social media app, any user can do live streaming. This form of communication has proved to be very effective when growing brand awareness.

26. Run Targeted Ads To Grow

Running targeted advertisements can really boost brand awareness by ensuring that your message reaches the most relevant audience. 

Such ads can enable you to aim for certain demographics, interests, and behaviors, thereby putting your brand before your targeted audiences. 

This is where the focus on a well-defined target audience helps in the development of more personalized, engaging ad experiences, making a better connection with potential customers. 

This kind of targeting will increase the exposure of your brand and drive more visibility and high engagement rates to your business, ensuring effective brand recognition. 

27. Host Giveaways And Contests

Hosting giveaways and contests increases your brand awareness by bringing participation and excitement to your audiences. This also encourages participants to share your content, and tag friends increasing your brand visibility. 

Giveaways and contests are generally more engaging, and allow people to feel more connected to your brand. They are an effective way to gain new followers who might be interested in winning the prize. 

Every additional activity and visibility on your giveaways can help your brand reach new customers and increase your followers.

28. Use GIFs and Humor in Content

GIFs, Emojis, and stickers are now a part and parcel of our daily communication. These GIFs, apart from adding some humor, add a personal touch to the content, making it go viral.

They also add a touch of satire or sarcasm to these social media posts, and the brand becomes just memorable, really fun, and very engaging for one's followers.

29. Promote Your Community Centred Activities

Promotion of your community-centred activities raises brand awareness by portraying your feelings of social responsibility and community well-being. 

Through stories, reels, videos, and posts you can update about these events to your audience. This will help you in strengthening your brand image, build relationships, and encourage community engagement. 

30. Utilize Social Media Growth Services

Using social media growth services is an easy and quick way to reach your targeted audiences. Buying real followers, views, likes, and comments can make your content go viral in a short period.

Using social media growth services can help you build your brand awareness quickly. But always make sure to partner with reliable social media growth services.

31. Monitor Your Social Media Metrics

Personal branding on social media requires patience. For this, you need to monitor your progress including engagement, mentions, and shares.

Luckily, most social media platforms offer analytic tools with insights that provide a better understanding of your performance. All of this helps you figure out what's working and what's not, hence the need for changes to adjust the strategies applied.

Final Thoughts

Building brand awareness requires a strategic and consistent approach across all social media platforms. You can deploy targeted advertising, engaging content, influencer partnerships, and community-driven activities to reach your audience and connect with them.

Keeping a tab on the social media metrics regularly and further optimizing these strategies in light of the derived insights will help in abolishing the possibility of stagnation and retaining growth and visibility for a brand. Apply these actionable strategies and get ready to see your brand awareness grow.


1. How to create a social media strategy for brand awareness?

Identify who your target audience is, choose the right platforms, create relevant and consistent content that is connected to your brand, utilize influencers, run paid advertisements, and monitor and adjust regularly through analytics.

2. Which social media is best for brand awareness?

The best platform depends on your audience. If your audience is visually driven, go for Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok. If it's professional or even B2B marketing, you need LinkedIn. For real-time engagement, the Twitter way is the way to go.

3. What is the best way to boost brand awareness on social media?

Mix up engaging content, influencer partnerships, targeted advertising, consistent posting, and active engagement with your audience to boost your brand awareness on various social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

4. What are the key metrics to track for social media brand awareness?

Reach, impressions, likes, comments, shares, follower growth, and mentions are just some of the metrics to be tracked. Keeping track of these metrics will help you alter your content strategy as required.

5. How can I create viral content on social media?

Create high-quality and engaging content, make use of trending topics and hashtags, engage with your audience and collaborate with influencers to increase your visibility and build brand awareness. 

Natalie Myers
Written By
Natalie Myers

Natalie has the strongest control on words. She is the content manager at GPC.FM with an avid experience in content marketing. Her biggest strength is her ability to express through persuasive words. She has been working in the content industry for a decade and now works with GPC.FM to strategize and plan content marketing. From curating social content calendars to strategizing content for social media platforms, she ideates a bespoke content roadmap at GPC.FM.