Instagram Tips

Natalie Myers

Natalie Myers



9 min read


9 min read


Date Publish: Aug 09, 2024


Last Modified: Aug 09, 2024

10 Ways To Use Instagram Stories For Brand Awareness

Table of Content

Today, there are millions of people posting stories all over the world. Instagram alone has more than 500 million daily users who interact with IG stories. It’s a community of people too big to ignore in your marketing strategy.

All major companies integrate stories into their content strategies to reach their target audience, mostly on Instagram. 

What above you? Are you using IG stories to interact with your prospects, boost brand's engagement rate and providing you with valuable information regarding user preferences and opinions? If not then you should! 

Instagram stories will also help you get feedback on your products and services. In short: you will increase the visibility of your content, increase the transparency of your brand, and, therefore, generate more leads for your brand with Instagram Stories.

It  is one of the best marketing strategy to stand out from your competition and being relevant to your target audience. Instagram Stories are a very valuable tool that you have to start exploiting no matter what!

Here in this blog, we will help you understand the ways in which you can  use IG storis to spread awareness about your brand. Let’s start!

Why Use Instagram Stories For Marketing?

You might wonder what the benefit is in investing time into generating content that will disappear in 24 hours. It’s simple: because it offers an addictive way for people (and brands) to share content with others.

Here are some reasons why entrepreneurs and marketers are excited about Instagram Stories' strategy:

An Active User Base

Instagram reported 250 million daily users using stories to connect with their followers and share content with them.

Effortless Creation

No one expects you to spend half an hour on a post that won't be live in 24 hours. While Instagram posts require perfect lighting and the use of hashtags, a good story just needs a quick idea or an interesting moment and some creativity.

A Field To Test Ideas

Instagram Stories aren’t as exposed as regular posts, so they’re the perfect ground to test ideas that you’re not entirely sure about. 

If you get good feedback (positive responses and people viewing your entire story without abandoning it), then you can consider reposting it as a permanent post on Instagram or adapting the idea for another channel.

An Arsenal Of Features

Like other apps, you also have tools for drawing, adding stickers, adding augmented reality filters, and more.

Opportunity To Boost Traffic

The Instagram Story Feature enables the inclusion of links in your stories. For now, this feature is only available for verified accounts, but you can direct your followers to view the link in your bio.

How To Boost Brand Awareness With Instagram Stories: 10 Ways

That's why we can say that Instagram is already an obligatory part of any digital marketing strategy, but if you're still not convinced, perhaps the 1 billion monthly users of its platform will help. 

Thanks to the Instagram story feature, brand creatives have attracted followers, increased sales and surprised users. Do you want to see this resource in practice for inspiration? Read on.

1. Share Behind The Scenes

Give your followers an insider's look at the hard work that goes into putting on a Behind The Scenes show. This could include sneak peeks of new products, footage of your team working on a project, or a tour of your office or production facility. 

This type of content helps humanize your brand and build a stronger connection with your audience.

2. Upload Product User Guides

Create informative and helpful content by sharing user guides or tutorials in your Instagram Stories. This could be a step-by-step tutorial on how to use your product, styling tips, or troubleshooting tips. 

Providing value to your audience through instructional content will help establish your brand as an authority in your industry.

3. Create branded Story Templates

You can look for Instagram templates to get inspiration but also adapt them to your brand's style. This doesn't just mean designing with your colour palette, logo, and tone, but you can create templates that work for you, depending on the type of content you want to share.

4. Post Shoppable Stories

Take advantage of Instagram's shopping features by creating shoppable posts in your Instagram story feature. This allows followers to directly purchase products featured in your Stories, making it easier for them to make a purchase decision.

5. Countdown A Product Launch

Many brands will use Instagram Stories to countdown to some big event, launch, or promotion. Countdown taps into our innate desire for anticipation. 

Whether it's a product launch, an event, or a special announcement, countdowns create a sense of urgency. It encourages followers to stay tuned and actively participate.

6. Utilize Polls For Customer Queries

Nowadays you can simply check the method to know how many people are replying or reacting to your Instagram story by using a Poll on the Instagram story. 

It will help you in getting feedback from your audience about your content. Ask your followers a question and watch the answers come in. 

7. Use Interactive Stickers

Using an Interactive sticker allows any user to contribute to a chain of public stories. In other words, the dynamic consists of one person uploading content on a topic and another responding with their content on the same subject, such as “photos at concerts.” 

Think about how to summarize the information you want to communicate in the minimum number of words.

8. Promote the Physical Store With a Location Sticker 

If you have a physical store location for a particular product or stuff, use that location sticker in your Instagram Stories to promote it to your followers.

This can help drive foot traffic to your store and make it easier for customers to find you. For example: A boutique could use the location sticker in their Stories to showcase their store location and invite followers to visit. 

9. Include Compelling CTAs 

It will increase the loyalty of your Instagram followers by converting them into real clients or users, depending on your goals. These objectives can range from visiting your website, booking a ticket for your next event, or buying a product from your online store. 

The most popular CTAs are "Read More," "Contact Us," and "Buy Now." All in all, a good CTA should be short, catchy, and contain an imperative. It should also be thought out coherently and in advance. 

10. Offer Special Discounts and Vouchers 

Drive sales and reward loyalty by offering special discounts and vouchers exclusively through your Instagram Stories. This can incentivize followers to make a purchase and create a sense of urgency. 

Using these strategies in your Instagram Stories, you can effectively boost your brand awareness and connect with your audience more engagingly. 

Tips For Using Instagram Stories To Increase Brand Awareness 

It is a key strategy to strengthen the connection between your brand and your followers on Instagram stories. Getting the most out of Instagram Stories requires creativity, strategic insight, and a deep understanding of your audience. 

By following some of the tips below and the benefits of brand building, you will not only optimize your stories, but you will also build a strong narrative in your Instagram Stories.

1. Use A People-First Approach

It increases brand awareness and focuses on telling human stories with your audience. By featuring real people using your products or sharing your story experiences, you can connect with viewers on a personal level. 

For example, a clothing brand could showcase customer testimonials or behind-the-scenes stories of their design process to create a sense of community and loyalty among followers.

2. Drive Traffic From Your Stories To Website

Instagram Stories Strategy allow us to drive traffic to our website, which can be achieved in three different ways:

  • Link in bio: The only clickable link on Instagram is the link in your bio. It's a good opportunity to attract traffic to your account, where you can offer products and promotions, and thus give it greater visibility.

  • By Creating a Link in the Story: This is the swipe-up function for accounts with more than 10,000 followers for valid users or accounts. To add your website address, just click on the chain link icon that appears at the top of the screen and add your website URL.

  • Instagram Shopping: Brands can include stickers of products or services in Stories to directly integrate information about them and even allow users to purchase them directly. 

3. Actively Engage With Followers and Customers

To keep your followers engaged, it's important to post regularly on Instagram Stories. Share daily or weekly posts or reels that are relevant and valuable to your audience. 

Keep a consistent schedule and make sure your Stories are interesting and engaging. Consistency in posting Stories will help you keep your followers engaged and increase your brand visibility.


Add these ideas and practical tips for creating creative Instagram stories to your marketing strategy. With an organized and original plan that respects your brand guidelines, you will be able to build loyalty among your followers, improve visibility and maximize business profitability.

Boost Brand Awareness with Instagram Stories to automate your brand on this social media platform! With our best services, you will convert your followers into customers which will increase your brand value by continuing to sell even when you sleep.


1. What are the benefits of using Instagram stories?

Instagram stories allow for real-time engagement with followers, increase visibility, drive traffic to your profile, and grow awareness about your brand.

2. How can brands use Instagram stories?

They showcase new products, behind-the-scenes content, promotions, and collaborations to engage with their audience to boost your content and grow engagement on your IG profile.

3. How do you make a brand story on Instagram?

To make a brand story on Instagram, use a combination of photos, videos, and text to showcase your brand's personality, values, and content that your audience admires.

4. How to make a product story on Instagram?

To make a product story on Instagram, focus on features, benefits, and uses of the product through a mix of visuals and text to invite viewers to learn more or make a purchase.

5. How to utilize Instagram stories effectively?

Utilize Instagram stories effectively by posting consistently, using interactive features like polls and Q&A sessions, sharing quality content, and utilizing hashtags and location tags to increase reach and engagement.

Natalie Myers
Written By
Natalie Myers

Natalie has the strongest control on words. She is the content manager at GPC.FM with an avid experience in content marketing. Her biggest strength is her ability to express through persuasive words. She has been working in the content industry for a decade and now works with GPC.FM to strategize and plan content marketing. From curating social content calendars to strategizing content for social media platforms, she ideates a bespoke content roadmap at GPC.FM.